Curtis Kulig lives and works in New York City.
A decade ago, his private plea 'Love Me' became part of the urban fabric of the city. A loyal audience ensued embracing the declaration with hope and optimism. His studio practice consists of paintings and drawings, often done in series, which explore emotional landscapes and vulnerabilities.

His drawings and paintings have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Vanity Fair. Kulig’s work exhibited in NYC includes Shin Gallery, Mallick Williams, Cassina Projects, Nyehaus Gallery, Cheryl Hazan Gallery, The Hole; in L.A. at New Image Art & Subliminal Projects; and in London at Rook and Raven & Stolen Spaces. `

Loud Money
A new monograph by Curtis Kulig and Max Blagg published by Paradigm Press.
NYC-based artist Curtis Kulig and poet Max Blagg are set to release LOUD MONEY, a publication featuring a series of collaborative new work.
What began as a hot tea of inspiration between these Downtown neighbors, the zine/Zen assembling of various random images, paintings, poem fragments, correspondence, photographs,
and dressings, quickly acquired artist coherence. Originally slate for release in the Spring of 2019, the arrival of the pandemic and lockdown delays this vigorous experiment.
The original intention of a rapid-fire zine has evolved into the production by Paradigm Publishing, a NYC-based independent publisher, of an exquisite, offset printed clothbound 104-page full-color monograph.
A seamless harmonic convergence between artist and poet, blending Kulig’s elegant visual vernacular with Blagg’s singular poetic expression, and further embellished by a brilliant Afterword and ringside commentary by renowned artist Jamie Nares.

LOUD MONEY will be released May 1, 2021.
To commemorate LOUD MONEY’s release, the authors will host book signings and readings at various locations around NYC including the
Bowery Hotel.

1964 Impala White Interior, 2017  30” x 24”  Oil on Linen

1964 Impala White Interior, 2017
30” x 24”
Oil on Linen

Chloe, 2017 48” x 36”   Acrylic on Canvas 

Chloe, 2017
48” x 36”
Acrylic on Canvas 

As A Matter of Fact, 2017  30” x 22”  Acrylic on Paper

As A Matter of Fact, 2017
30” x 22”
Acrylic on Paper

Untitled-Flat Tire, 2017  24” x 30” x 1”  Oil on Linen

Untitled-Flat Tire, 2017
24” x 30” x 1”
Oil on Linen


Over a decade ago NYC artist Curtis Kulig’s personal ‘love me’ plea hit the streets and has since been woven into the cit’s urban fabric as a declaration of optimism & hope. Hs drawings and paintings have been featured in The New. York Times, Vanity Fair, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine. Kulig’s work exhibited in NYC, includes Shin Gallery, Mallick Williams, Cassina Projects,, Nyehaus Gallery, Cheryl Hazan Gallery, The Hole; in L.A. at New Image Art & Subliminal Projects; and in London at Rook and Raven & Stolen Spaces.

Pink Road 2017, Ink and Acrylic on Paper - 11” x 8”

Pink Road 2017, Ink and Acrylic on Paper - 11” x 8”